

易しい日本語 って英語でなんて言う?




[今日のレッスン Today's lesson] 

【今日のキーワード Today's word】

prose; written language in its ordinary form rather than poetry 散文

encyclopedia; 百科事典

edition; version 版

up-to-date; latest 最新の

plain Japanese; 易しい日本語(理解しやすい)




His new novel, which combines prose with his gifts for poetry, is going to be published.; まもなく出版になる彼の小説は、散文に彼の詩の才能を融合させたものだ。

An up-to-date eddition of the encyclopedia will come out next month.; 来月、その百貨店の最新版が出る。

Ms. Yamada translated the fascinating fairy tail into plain Japanese. ; 山田さんがその心惹かれるおとぎ話を易しい日本語に翻訳した。





Native Camp : 151th time, 63h20min

DME method (Get down to business english Class): 22th time, 8h50min

Vocabulary Building: 3rd time, 1h 15min