

憲法 って英語でなんて言う?

こんばんは。怒涛の追い上げ始めます(笑) 全部のレッスンは受けきれないかもしれませんが、1つずつできるところまでやりたいと思います。



[今日のレッスン Today's lesson] 

【今日のキーワード Today's word】

constitution; system of laws, basic principles that country governed by 憲法

pillar (n) ; post 柱

liberty (n) ; 権利・自由

gaze at (v); じっくり見る

likely to ~; 〜しそうになる

subtle; not strong (smell), slight ほのかな、かすかな

scent; fragrance, smell of something 香り

awful; terrible ひどい

terrific; amazing 素晴らしい

soaked (adj); ずぶ濡れで、びしょ濡れで

sweat (n); 汗

stink (v); 悪臭を放つ

stand back; 後ろへ下がる

be beside oneself; be upset/ be extremely exited to yourself 嬉しくて仕方がない、我を忘れて取り乱す

scarcely; hardly ほとんど〜ない




Equality is guaranteed by the constitution.

He leaned against the pillar and gazed at the statue of liberty.


A woman pass by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume, it remided me of my ex-girlfriend.

Natto smell's awful, but taste's terrific.

I'm soaked with sweat. - Stand back. You stink. take a shower.

Bob was so beside himself that he could scarcely tell the fact from fiction.





Native Camp : 151th time, 63h20min

DME method (Get down to business english Class): 22th time, 8h50min

Vocabulary Building: 2nd time, 0h 50min
