

procurement ってどう使う?



ネイティブキャンプ 【本日のWords & Phrases】

initial investment: 初期投資

favorable: 有益な、好都合な convenient

procurement: 調達(procure 調達する) the process of purchase the goods you need

- procurement officer: 資材調達係 someone whose job involves buying equipment, supplies, servicec etc for a company or organization

cf. logistics: the process of transportation these goods to their final destination

- Doing business in an island nation would be problems with material procurement and logistics.

disadvantageous: 不利な

overland route: 陸路

Asian mainland: アジア本土

Peninsula: 半島

the Indochinese and Malay Peninsulas: インドシナ半島マレー半島




Native Camp : 39th time, 16h30min

(月額6,480円) 予約不要 & レッスン回数 無制限 
